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Pilot Performance With Predictive System Status Information 

Anna C. Trujillo 

NASA Langley Research Cbnter 

Hampton, VA 23681-0001 


Research has shown a strong pilot preferencE for predictive 
information of a iicraft system status in the flight cfeck. 
However, the beneiits cf predictive information have not 
been quantitatively demonstmted. The study described here 
attempted to identity aid quantify these benefits if they 
existed. I n his amulator ecperiment, three types of 
predictive i iformation (none, whether a patameta" was 
changing abncmially, and the time for a parameter to leach 
an alert lan^) and four initial times to ai alat (1 minute, 5 
minutes, 15 minutes, and ErA+45 ninutes) were found to 
affect when subjects axompHshed cErtain a;tions, such as 
accESsing p eitinent checklists, cfeclaring anergaicies, 
diverting, and calling the fight attaidant and dispatch. 


Much a necdotd evidence exists i^arding the benefits 
predicting aircraff system fiiluies would bring to increasing 
the safety of fli^t. Ebcumaited instances exist where some 
type of early notification to the fli^t crew of a system 
parameto" deviation could have paevented or lessened the 
consequaices of an airaaft's system fiilure [1], [2]. The 
benefits of predictive infomiatian, some have argued, are in 
the realm of improved (tcision making [3]-[5]. Thus, to 
describe and quantify tie benefits of predictive information, 
a Esearch program was undeitaken to ^stematically ecplore 
these potential benefits. 

Eadier research has shown a strong pilot preference for 
predictive information [6] aid for certain types of predictive 
information, specifically, whether a ^stem parameter (e.g., 
oil t emperature) vias changing abnormally and the time 
remaining until that parameter reached a predefined \alue 
[7]. Pilots also indicated when they wanted to be told of a 
possible problem. For ecample, pilots only wanted to be 
notified that the parameter was moving if it would reach ai 
alfft range h less than 5 ninutes; otherwise, tiey would 
rather know tie approximate time remaining until the alert 


There w ere several objectives of this ecpeiiment The 
primary objective was to idaitify the benefits cf predictive 
information in an cperational setting during non-normal 
system events. Benefits were defined £B decision making 
pertaining to handling of the ladt, vhich included taking 
actions to aifect the onset of an alert, retrieving dieckUsts, 
diverting a nd declaring aneigencies, aid wcrkload 
associated w ith the non-normal system events. The 
seoondaiy objective was to cbtermine tie most appropriate 
form o f predictive information and range of prediction 

times. Lastly, this experiment was conducted to corroborate 
previous research. 

Experimaital Variables 

Of the t hree etperimental variables, kvo were directly 
manipulated: the predictive information available and the 
inrtial time to an alert. The predictive information available, 
a betweai subject variable, was cne of three types: (1) none 
(baseline), ( 2) whether a parameter was inaeasing or 
decreasing abnormally direction), or (3) he time to an dert 
(time). The initial time to an alert, a within subject variable, 
had four levds: (1) 1 minute, (2) 5 ninutes, (3) 15 minutes, 
and (4) ErA+45 minutes (Estimated Time to Arival). 
Baseline predictive information aid ETA+45 minute initial 
time t o an alert were control conditions. The third 
experimental variable, which was partially controlled in hat 
the parameter would degrade in aregulated mannff, was the 
four independent hults each subject aicountered 

Predictive Information: In the baseline condition, no 
predictive i rformation was a/ail^le. Thus, when a 
parameto" rexhedan alert range, the subjects saw the typical 
alert message (e.g, CABIN ALT) with he axompanying 
auial alert (able 1). 

Table 1 -Examples cf Predictive Information 





Predictive Information 



Alert Information 




In the other two conditions, direction and time, subjects 
were notified that a parameter was moving towards an alert 
range. In all cases, the predictive information presented to 
subjects was always correct and had an alert category of 
advisory. Furthermore, parameters increased or cfecreased a a 
constant rate dependent on he state cf the airaafl. Lastly, 
whai t he parameter reached ai alfft range, the lelated 
standard alert information messa^ replaced the predictive 
information messa^ (t^le 1). 

Fort he direction condition, subjects were told that a 
paiametff was increasing or decreasing abncamally (t^le 1). 
For the time condition, subjects were told when a paiametff 
would reach ai alfft range fir the given aircrafi state (table 
1). The lime to an alert was updated in increments of whole 
minutes if the time remaining was greater tian 1 minute. I 

the time to ai alat was less than 60 seconds, tie message 
updated for a'ery 15 -second change in the ime to an alert 

Initial Time to an Alert: Each subject saw four initial 
times to an dert (the time to an aleit at the beginning cf a 
failure): (1) 1 minute, (2) 5 minutes, (3) 15 minutes, and 
(4) E TA+45 minutes. The configuration of the aircraft 
affected the xtual time to an alert; for ecample, throttling 
back the aigine with the EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature) 
inaease would increase the time to an alert. 

Faults: Ea;h of the four data runs, or s:enarios, and 
the training run included afault in \^hich a parameta" would 
eventually reach ai alert range f the subject taok m xtion. 
The iaults wa"e (1) cabin altitude inaease, (2) forward cargo 
overheat, (3) EGT increase, and (1) oil quantity decrease. 
The training run was an avicxiics overheat. All fiilures were 
designed to behave as realistically as possible [8]-[ll] and 
are described below. 

For the scenario wth tie cabin dtitude increase, the cabin 
altitude i ncreased to tie airplane altitude The cxitilow 
valve, ff (iiecked, was in the folly dosed condition once the 
failure started. A Ithough the inaease could not be 
controlled t Irough the mvironmental ^stem, the cabin 
altitude w aming wDuld not be reached if the subject 
descended to no more than 10 000 ft and if he had at least 
4_ minutes until the alert range was to be reached — the 
time needed to descend fi-om the initial altitude of 37 000 fi 
to 10 000 ft. 

In another data run, the forward cargo hold, initially set-up 
for carrying animals, had a tempaature inaease until it 
rexhed the fre \^aming limit. I the subject (hanged to the 
cargo mode, the temperature increase would slow. Also, if 
he discharged the forward cargo fre bottle befcre the alot 
range was reached, the forward cargo temperature would 
never reach the alert range, ff tie subject disdiarged the 
forward cargo lire bottle after tie fire warning, as the 
forward cargo fire diedilist instructs him to do, the 
temperature W3uld drop below the alert range. 

During the scenario with the EGT increase, the HjT rose 
steadily and if it readied tie alert range, the subject would 
have to follow the engine iailure'shutdown procedure. The 
inaease could be slowed if the subjed throttled bade the 
engine with the increasing HjT or stopped ff the affected 
engine was shut dowoi. I the subject restarted the oigine, 
the E GT would ^ain inaease until it reached the alert 

The scenario with the dl quantity deaease also involved an 
oil pressure decrease because of the bss d" dl. The oil 
pressure tri^ered the alert once it reached an alert range. 
The only way to decrease the rate of dl loss was to shut 
down the affected engine. 

For t he avionics cverheat training run, the rate of 
temperature increase could be deaeased by dianging tie 
avionics mode t o werride fiom its initial position rf" 
normal. Furthermore, b y disconneding bus 3, the 
temperature would stay below thewaming Umit. Thus, the 
load on bus 3 was the pimary cause of the overheat. 



Twdve glass-cockpit airline pilots iamiliar with ETOPS 
(Extended Twin engine Q'erationS) rules participated as 
subjects. S even wae currently first dBcas with the 
remaining five captains. The average age was 48 years old 
and the averse commerdal airline flight ecperience was 16 

Test Design 

The expoiment was run in the Advanced Civil Transport 
Simulator at the N\SA langley Research Center. This 
simulatcr had fli^t paformance characteristics similar to a 
Bodng 757. The flight deck resembled a Bodng 71-7400 
orMD-11. The subject acted as captain, pilot -not-flying. A 
confederate first officer (F/0) was pilot-flying and he was 
well versed ii flie qieration of the simulator. A confederate 
air traffic controller (ATC) and company dispatdi opaator 
provided the necessary coordination with the ground. 

The flight was fan Dulles arport to Charles de Guafle 
airport with a 604ninute ETOPS rule; ie., the jiane was 
never more than 60 minutes fom an altemate airfield The 
604ninute rule was used in ader to have several PETs 
(Point of Equal Time); i.e., the point where the plane was 
60 minutes f rom any suitable altonate airport. The 
scenarios were set-up sach that ach sgment of flight 
started before a FET; tius, this experiment only included 
the cruise phase d flight. If the configuration of tie aircraft 
did n ot diange during tie fiult, the affected parameter 
would reach ai alert range a few minutes before the arcrafl 
interseded t he PET except in the ETA+45 minute 

Any m aterials and information the subject needed were 
provided to lim. Hotting diarts, landing jlates, a dspatch 
weather briefing, and a flight plan wae available in papa 
form. Checklists were dectronic and nimicked the Bodng 
model o f the quick refaence handbook [12]. Voice 
communication was used for ATC and dispatch Both ATC 
and dispatch were able to s ipply current weather 
information at any of tie diversion airfields. Basically, the 
weather at a 11 diversiai airfields was xcqitable for 
landing — driz^e w ith a ceiling around 1 000 ft aid 
visibility approximately 1_ miles with wnds at no more 
than 10 knots. ATC also reasonably ecpedited any requests 
subjects had regarding course changes. The confederate F/0 
was able to aiswer operational questions fiom the subject; 
i.e, he supplied all lie operational information normally 
found in the aircraft manual. Lastly, subjects nade aiy 
passenga announcements or Md (onferences with the head 
flight atendant, cr purser, to tie experimenter sitting in the 
bade of the amulator. 

As mentioned earlier, tie iaults and initial times to an dert 
were w ithin-subjed variables while the predictive 
information was bdween subjects. Since subjects could 
only see each lailure mce, each subject had four data runs in 
addition to a training run. Thus, the overall results is hat 
all subjects saw ®ch d" the four faults once and eadi of the 
four initial times to ai alert once with one of the tiree types 
of predictive information. 

Dependent Measures 

The depaident measures consisted of variables that defined 
whether the predictive information was beneficial: when and 
whffe (Htain actions occuned, aid workload ratings, whidi 
were measured u sing the NASA-TLX c|uestionnaire oi 
perceived workload [13]. VariEbles not directly dq^endent 
on a particular iailure were whai the subject limed off- 
track, diverted to an ETOPS alternate airport, bought up 
the appropriate checklist, aid initiated action pertaining to 
it; the time and ^^ace definition of tie aircrafi; and the 
workload ratings. Variables that were directly (tpendent oi 
the failure iavolved actions the subject could teke to affect 
the time to ai alert, such se when an engine was shut dovm 
for the EGT increase scenario and the oil quantity decrease 


Whai a subject first airived he received ai overview on this 
experimait including i rstructions about the NASA-TLX 
questionnaire After this introduction, the confederate F/0 
gave a d etailed description of the simulator and its 
operation, and the ilight plan to the subject before the 
training run started. The tiaining run included the a'ionics 
overheat fault 1 5 minutes into the flight. The ime to an 
alat was 5 minutes given the initial aircraft cnnfiguration. 
No data were recorded diring training. 

A short break w as taken after the training run md before 
data run 1. Ai hour lunch beak fallowed the first data nm. 
After lunch, the subject completed data runs 2 through 4. 
Each data run took approximately 30 minutes. At the aid 
of each data run, the subject was asked about the iailure, his 
actions, a nd his workload. The presentation order of 
predictive i rformation and iiitial time to an alert were 
counterbalanced while scenario order was only partially 
balanced due to the number cf subjects. 

Data Analysis 

For time data, arormalized time was alculated to extricate 
the fact that different initial imes to an alert occurred 
during he flight, ff Jhe times were rot normalized, the Ata 
clustered around f)ur dscrete categories cbpendent en the 
initial time to an alert. The normalized time was 

normalized time -■ 

time at which X occurred 
actual time to alert 

Times were Idcen fom iiluie start. The actual time to alert 
was when the alert truly occurred or would have occurred 
had the subject not done something to p"evait it such as 
shut down an engine. These imes were then analyzed iBing 
the ^neral inear modd in SPSS [14]. 

The specific acticms analyzed were accessing the appropriate 
checklist, turning o ff path, divating, dedaring an 
emffgency, checking the weather a the diversion airports, 
calling t he fight attendant, and calling dspatch. 
Categorical data lelated to these actions were aialyzed with 
the i ndqjendent samples Chi-squared ^)test in SPSS 

All failures had a checklist associated with than. Thus, ff a 
parameter reached an alert, the aabject should fellow the 

checklist. A subject could access the checklists befcs"e the 
alert range was reached if he so desired. 

Under ETOPS rules, subjects had to divert fir the oil 
quantity decrease and EGT increase Mures when they shut 
down an engine. T he ETOPS rules d) not spedfy a 
diversion is necessary with cabin pressure loss, but for fiel 
efficiency reasons and passaiger comfort, Jhe logical choice 
would be to dvert ff a subject had a forward (srgo fire 
warning, he would have to divert under ETOPS rules. I a 
subject discharged the fire bottle before tie warning thus 
preventing the temperature fom increasing into flie dert 
range and avaling a fire warning he did rot technically 
have to divert but prudence recommended diverting anyhow 
because of the strong pssibility of fre. 

Three of the faults required subjects to descend (1) the 
cabin altitude inaease^ and after engine irutdown Sx both 
(2) the EGT increase and (3) the oil qiantity decrease. Also, 
checking weather Si the diversion airport, telling the flight 
attendant what was happening and calling dispatch to let 
the company kiow lie current situation was not ecplidtly 
required but was cnnsidered good airmanship. Subjects 
were n of penalized in tie data analysis if they did rot 
perform these xtions. 

The six NASA-TLX individual workload ratings — mental, 
physical and tempcral (tmand, performance, effort, and 
frustration — were rormaHzed on ascale fom to 100 with 
as low workload and 100 as high workload. They were 
combined into an a/era^ workload rating Sx each subject 
by data run. These average normalized workload Btin^ 
were then analyzed using the analysis of variance procedure 
in SPSS [14]. 

In the analysis of the data, significance for both p and x ) 
was taken at the 005 fevel. Also, for main-orda" effects, a 
Tukey HSD post hoc test was done [15]. 


Benefits of IVedidive Information 

If a subject did rothing at all, an alert would occur during 
flight fir the 1-, 5-, and 15-minute initial times to an dert. 
Subjects could affect lie time to an dert for Jhe EGT 
inaease and forward cargo cverheat fiults, or trey could 
prevent the parameter fom Baching an alert range altogether 
but, in all cases, they had to actively confront the failure. 
For t he initial time to an dert of ErA+45 minutes, 
subjects did not have to do anything ance an alert would 
not be Eached until after knding. 

Alert O (curroice: Fcr t he 1-, 5-, aid 15-minute 
initial times to ai alat, virether or not ai alert occurred 
depended on tie initial time to ai alert ^ sO.Ol). Out of a 
possible 48 alerts, only 19 occurred ^able 2). As seen in 
table 2, the greater the initial time to an dert, the more 
often subjects avoided an alert. Hence^ subjects were taking 
actions to lessen the sverity of the iailure, to lessen tie 
time pressure ^sociated with the alert, and to lessen its 

Table 2 -Numba' of Alert Occurrences 

I Alat 

Initial Time to Alert ^inutes) 



























Action Before or ^ter Alert Since subjects had time 
to deal with the fiiluie before ai alert, vJietha" they acted 
before or after an aleit occurred was of interest. In both the 
direction and time conditions, subjects brought up the 
checklist before aiy alerts ()(fi0.02) (table 3). This is not 
surprising b ecause in the direction and time oonditims, 
subjects had foreknowledge of the alert and whidi diecklist 
was pertinent. F urthermore, the mmber of checklists 
accessed before an alert in the baseline condition m^ be 
artificially high because subjects were primed fir a feilure. 
Thus, they may have been more diligent in canning the 
instrumaits boking for deviations. 

Table 3 -Number of Checklists Retrieved for the 
1 -, 5-, and 15-Minute hitial Times to an Alert 

Before Alert 

Predictive Information 


Baseline Directim Time 



8 12 12 


Predictive information was dso agnificant in cfetermining 
whether pilots accEssed dieddists for the ETA+45 minute 
conditioi (xfi0.02) (table 4). No subjects in the baseline 
conditio! accessed a diecklist but subjects did when they 
had direction or lime information Again, 1his was because 
they had an dvisoy message telling 1hem \4iich diecklist 
was relevant to the Mure. 

Table 4 -Numba' of Checklists Retrieved for 
ETA+45 Mnute Initial Time to an Alert 


Predictive Information 

Baseline Directioi Time Tota 




4 3 7 
4 15 

As the initial time to an alert increased ip to the 15-minute 
conditioi, the number cf subjects divffting and declaring 
emffgendes before an dert range was reached also increased 
(XsO.Ol for both) (table 5). S ince they knew the 
information to be xcuiate, subjects (fecided to confiont tie 
problem before the alert; the more time they had befoe an 
alert, ftie moe likely Ihey would declare ai emffgency (in 
order to get preferential handling Ifom ATC) and divert 
before the alert. In three rases, subjects did rot divert if the 
alat was going to occur during tie flight. These three cases 
involved the cargo fire failure aid flie subjects disdiarged 
the forward cargo fire bottle before ai alert was reached. Qn 
the other hand, one subject in the ETA+45 ninute direction 
conditioi did d ivat for the oil quantity cfecrease iailure 
even tiiough it was not required. 

Table 5 -Number of Diveisions and Emergencies 

Before Aert 

Initial Time to an 
Alert (minutes) 
1 5 15 Total 

Woriiload: For wodcload, predictive information and 
initial time to alert were agnificant, ps0.04 for both. As 
expected, the ETA+45 minute initial time to an dert had 
the 1 owest wxkload rating (able 6). This was because 
subjects did not have to confront the feilure, ff they even 
noticed the problem, since tie alert was gjing to occur after 

Table 6 -Workload Ratings 




Initial Time 1 



to Alert 5 



(minutes) 1 5 






Predictive Baseline 



Information Directioi 






Note: 0= low workload, 100= hi^ workload 

For p redictive information, workload was rated 
significantly 1 owff for the baseline cnndition tian tie 
direction c ondition (ti)le 6). The b aseline predictive 
information was fimiliar to the aibjeds since tiis b flie 
information they currently ibc and this contributed to its 
low workload rating. 

Unlike the time condition, aibjects had to estimate haw 
mucii time they had befoe an alert range would be reached 
for the direction predictive information. The oily w^ to do 
this was to qjproximate the parameter's rate ofchan^. This 
appeared to hcrease the workload 

The greatest contributo to workload spears to be dioosing 
which adions to carry out. No procedures were gven 
reading t he use of direction and time predictive 
information and this, most ikely, accounted for subjects 
rating workload io time predictive information dosa to 
direction predictive i rformation than to the baseline 
conditioi. Apparently, deciding oi flie proper course of 
actions for tie direction and time conditions increased 
workload more than estimating flie time to ai dot lo the 
direction condition. 

Predictive Information Type and IVediction Times 

As mentioned earlier, subjeds could take sveral actions 
during fflch frilure ranging from trying to affed flie cmsd of 
an alert to dverting to an alternate airfield. As expected, the 
predictive information available and the initial time to ai 
alat affected wiiai subjects initiated a particular xtion 
during tie 1-, 5-, and 15-minute initial times to an alert 

The time of checklist a;cess was heavfly influenced ty the 
availability of predictive information ^sO.Ol) (table 7). The 
baseline condition was statistically hter flian the drection 
and t ime conditions. As ecplained above, flis was not 
surprising since s ubjeds knew which checklists were 
pertinent before tie alert occurred in these two conditions. 

Table 7 -Normalized Checklist Access Time (minutes) 

Predictive Mormation 

Mean St Dev 


0.87 0.54 
0.12 0.11 
0.10 0.16 

With regard t) descending, dverting, checking \^eatha", 
dedaring an anergency, calling tie flight attendant, and 
calling dispatch, the initial time to an alert was significant 
(ps0.03 lor all) (table 8). In aU cases, tie 5- and 15-minute 
conditiois w ffe statistically eadier than the 1-minute 
conditioi. Basically, tie more time subjects had befcre an 
alat, the earlier they performed the actions idative to the 
time to an alert. 

Table 8 -Normalized Times (minutes) 

Initial Time 



to an Alert 





1 ninute 




5 ninutes 




1 5 minutes 





1 ninute 




5 ninutes 




1 5 minutes 





1 ninute 





5 ninutes 




1 5 minutes 





1 ninute 





5 ninutes 




1 5 minutes 




CaU Flight 

1 ninute 





5 ninutes 




1 5 minutes 





1 ninute 





5 ninutes 




1 5 minutes 




Since the above results held for all actions, the 1-minute 
conditioi was s giarated out ffom the 5- and 15-minute 
conditiois because the 1-minute (ondition dd not allow for 
mudi time to prepare fa the alert whereas the ether two 
conditiois did. The analysis was then redone using the data 
from the 5- aid 15-minute initial times to an alert 

With the reanalysis for the 5- and 154ninute conditiois, 
descent time, d ivffsion time^ and time to cfeclare an 
emffgency w ere found to be (tpendent en predictive 
information ( table 9). In a 11 cases, lime predidive 
information w as significantly lower fiom baseline. 
Depending on the action, directicm predictive information 
may or may not be diffffent Ifom the baseline condition o 
the time condition (table 9). Hence^ the direction predictive 
information does decrease the time of when a subject 
performs a catain action but this deaease in ime b not as 
diiferentiable from the basdine condition as is the time 
predictive information. 

For all xtions described above, the Sminute condition had 
significantly 1 atff times than the 154ninute oonditioi. 
Furthermore, even though previous research suggested this, 
no interaction occurred between predictive information and 
initial time to an alert. In feet, time predictive information 

always had an earlier action initiaticxi time. Thus, dthough 
pilots reported wanting the diredion type of predictive 
information for times to an alert of 5 minutes a less, in 
practice, time predictive information appears also to have 
the greatest benefits fir the 5-minute initial ime to an alert 

Table 9 -Normalized Times for 5- aid 15-Minute 
Initial Times to en Alat (minutes) 









B iseline 




D recti 



































Note: [= statistical groupings 

In general, for a short time to ai alat (1 minute), subjects 
did not have much time to use the advance rotificaticsi. For 
longer times to an alert (5 and 15 minutes), subjects had 
time to affed the timing and occurrence of the alert and to 
prqjare for t he alert. In fict, tie time and directioi 
predictive i rformation aided them in accessing tie 
appropriate checklist, declaring an anergency, aid diverting 
before ai alat occurred. 


To identify t he benefits of jredictive infermation, to 
determine the form of predidive informaticai and lan^ of 
prediction times, and to corroboiate previous research, a 
simulato experimait t esting three types of predictive 
information aid four initial times to an alert \^as conducted. 
The three types of predictive information were (I) baseline, 
(2) direction, and (3) time, and the fiur hitial times to an 
alat were (1) 1 ninute, (2) 5 minutes, (3) 15 ninutes, and 
(4) ETA+45 minutes. These lactors were found to affed 
when s ubjects accomplished (Ertain actions, such as 
accessing p ertinent checklists, (tclaring anergaicies, 
diverting, and calling the fight attendant and dispatch. 

Knowing the remaining time to an alert seemed to produce 
the most benefits. For instance, the more ime subjeds had 
to deal with the fiilure, the more often they avoided getting 
an alert by performing some acticxi such as descending 
shutting d own the affeded aigine, o discharging fire 
bottles. The initial time to an dert also affeded vhen 
subjects performed certain actions. As the initial time to an 
alat i rcreased, subjects were moe likely to declare an 
emergency and to dvert before a parameter reached an alert 

Predictive i rformation also affeded vJien subjeds were 

more 1 ikely to access tie appropriate diecklist. With 

direction o r time predictive infermation available, tiey 
often accessed checklists before an alert occurred. 

Finally, the diredion and ime predidive information had 
hi^er workload a ssociated wth it than the basdine 

information. This was most ikely because subjects had to 
decide haw to use the rew infonnation. 

Reading the predictiai time, subjects diverted, checked 
weather, d eclared an emergency, aid called the fight 
attendant and dispatch earlier for the 5- aid 15-minute 
initial times to ai alat than for the 1-minute initial time to 
an alert 

Within the 5- and 15-minute initial times to an alert, 
descent time, d ivffsion time^ and time to cfeclaie an 
emffgency weie less for the time and drection predictive 
information t han tiey \\ere fir the baseline condition, 
although the direction condition was not always diffffent 
from the basdine condition. This might have beai due to 
the heightened a wareness of the subjects to possible 
failures. Also, within these two initial times to an alert, 
descent time, division time^ time to check weather, time 
to declare an emeigency, and time to rail fight attaidant for 
the 5 -minute condition were statistically more fcan the 
times fcx" the 15-minute condition Lastly, although pilots 
indicated i n previous Eseatch an intaaction between 
predictive i tformation and initial time to an alert, in 
practice, there appears to be no such interaction. 


The data do suggest that predictive information may be 
beneficial to increasing the safety of flight althou^, in this 
experimait, the initial time to ai alert more heavily affected 
the p erformance. This, most likely, was due to subjects 
being primed for failures, S3 they were more actively 
scanning the instruments for these Mures. In any rase, 
providing the time to ai alert for the longer initial times to 
an alert allowed aibjects to prepare fir checklists aid to 
dedare emer^ncies earlier in oder to receive preferential 
handling from ATC so that they could cfescend and divert 
more easily aid timely. Subjects also let ethers know of 
the situation e arlier, such as dispatch and the flight 
attendants, when they had the predictive information. But 
for workload to decrease to the bvel it currentiy is with no 
predictive information, flight oews need to become fimiliar 
with and folly understand this information. 

Other aspects must also be investigated before the fill 
usefulness o f predictive information ran be understood. 
Further research into the optimal prediction time, axepttble 
false alarm rate, and accuracy of the predictive infcamation 
must be done. Also, it would be cf benefit to ascertain how 
useful the information would be \4ien pilots are not primed 
for a failure On the more cperational side, the ability to 
estimate the time to an alert with the lalse alarm rate and 
accuracy required by the pilots reeds to be investigated 
before procedures are cfeveloped ising tiie lime to an alert 
predictive information. 


[1] Aircraft A ccident Report, Eastem Airlines, Inc., 
Lockheed L -1011, N534EA, Miami Intemational Aiiport, 
Miami, F lorida, M^ 5, 1983, NrSB-AAR-84-04, 
National T ransportation Safety Board, Mar. 1984. 
(Available fiom NTIS ss PB84 910 404.) 

[2] Batelle, Aviation Safety Bq)orting System, Search 
Request Numbff 1 929, Aircrafi Subsystems Failures, 
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[3] E.J. McCormidc and MS. Sanders, Human Factors 
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